Thank You
...for your interest in The Anchorage. I am excited about the opportunities the Lord has in store for us during this next summer. Perhaps you would consider joining our staff to serve Him together in this ministry.
Let me emphasize to you, first of all, how important prayer is to the success of this ministry. We realize anything that is accomplished here for Christ is accomplished through the work of the Holy Spirit. With that in mind, we are spending much time in prayer asking the Lord to provide for us the staff members that He would have for us here.
The quality of a camp’s staff has more to do with its success than any other aspect of the camping program. A weak staff can become a hindrance to the success of the overall ministry. However, the quality of a staff is not determined by the experience or talents of its members. The quality of a staff is determined by the willingness of its members to serve and be spent for Christ. Therefore, we are looking for young people who are determined to give up their own desires to help fulfill God’s desires for this ministry. May the Lord lead you in His perfect will as you consider becoming a part of the Anchorage “team”!
David Ulrich
Considering working at the Anchorage? Click the links here and fill out the forms! Please keep in mind that all new applicants must send in two reference forms.
Mail to:
The Anchorage Camp
PO Box 126
Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450